At Chiabee, we offer exclusive coupons to give you more value with every visit. Our coupons typically come with an expiration date, so be sure to use them before they expire. Simply use your coupon at checkout, and the discount or offer will be applied to your purchase. Keep an eye on your coupon’s expiration date to ensure you don’t miss out on great savings. Enjoy your coffee and the extra perks!

At Chiabee, we’ve created a rewards system where you can earn points with every purchase. Each item you buy helps you accumulate points, and once you have enough points, you can use them to redeem your favorite products! For every item, there is a set number of points needed to order it. Simply check how many points you have, and when you’ve earned enough, you can claim your reward. It’s that simple—more points, more rewards!

Please note: Points are not real money and cannot be exchanged for cash. By using our website and participating in the rewards program, you agree that you do not own the points and that they hold no cash value.

Unfortunately, we don’t offer delivery at this time. However, you can still enjoy our coffee by ordering for pick-up. For your convenience, we also partner with delivery-services, so you can easily place an order and have it delivered straight to you through their platform.